It wasn't by choice, but by necessity. Actually it was my invincible husband's fault--he broke his vincible leg. Apparently he's not superhuman after all. Who knew?!
But on the bright side, we now know what his cryptonite is: black ice...which is what he slipped on during the last winter storm of the season, and is also what left him all casted-up and unable to drive.
So instead of spending my early Spring days working around the homestead, I've been driving my husband around to appointments and meetings...because I love him. And I applaud his desire to continue on with life's obligations, even if it now involves crutches and a cute little medical scooter from which he occasionally takes a tumble.
(He's getting the hang of it now, though--thanks to your prayers. And no thanks to my giggles.)
This place never fails to give me pause, and I always seem to get lost contemplating the devastation of what was basically the turn-of-the century version of a modern-day garage. Only much larger-- the picture doesn't even show half of it!
How could I not?
On closer inspection I realized the flowers were not actually Sweet William, but Wild Verbena. Oh well. They're still pretty, and they just happened to be growing close by something very intriguing...
We picked Geoffrey up, dropped him off, and dashed on over to the nearby Lake of the Ozark State Park. There, with snacks in hand, we crossed the bridge to the picnic area. And when we reached the other side we noticed this sign:
(Disclaimer: No animals were harmed in the process.)
Once snacktime was over, we walked further down the path and low and behold, we came across this:
So I decided to try something different with this one:
Is that Hollywood I hear calling?
Nope, it's just my husband ringing to let me know it's time to pick him up again.
I have no idea what the expression on my face is, but Will looks like he outta be in a jcrew catalog. Or maybe I'm just a proud mama...
It was perfect for us history-loving folks, and it capped off a whirlwind tour of our local area that we probably wouldn't have otherwise undertaken if it hadn't been for that fateful final winter storm.
And yes, we were exhausted.
I'm obviously not as young as I used to be. Did I mention I turned 40 in the middle of all this excitement? Well I did. And to be quite honest, I enjoyed it immensely. After all, I got to celebrate a milestone birthday by racing around our beautiful neck of the woods at breakneck speed--family in tow.
It was wonderful. And it was a great kick-off to my next forty years! (And then some, I hope.)
I think I earned it.