Imagine that the wall behind this rustic feed bin has been white-washed, and deep green ivy is creeping slowly up it. Rhododendrons are in full bloom at the feet of the bin, and a six-foot tall metal chicken is perched on top. This was the quirky vision that flashed through my mind when I spotted this rusty old feed bin at an auction last summer. I had to have it for our old general store, but it was the next item up for bid, and I hadn't registered to bid yet. Luckily, a friend was close by and started bidding on it for me. To my relief, we won with a whopping bid of ten dollars! My husband looked at me like I'd lost my mind, and a few old farmers just shook their heads. They obviously didn't see my vision. There was quite the discussion on how it was going to fit in our small truck bed, but finally it was simply tipped it on it's side and scooted on in. I knew it would fit. Once strapped down, it looked more like a rocket than a feed bin, so we counted "3-2-1 blast-off" and shot down the road. We landed safely at our building, unloaded the bin, and placed it exactly where I had envisioned it. And that's as far as I've gotten. But I'm working on it. I already have the rhododendrons planted, and a climbing hydrangea too. Once the building gets white-washed, the ivy will sprout back, and then all that's left is finding a metal chicken. Hmm. This might be harder than I thought...