I fell asleep Christmas night watching old clips of Jerry Lee Lewis performances, inspired by the gift I gave my mom--Rick Bragg's recent book His Own Story written in conjunction with Mr. Lewis himself. Just before I drifted off, I came across a clip of "Ole Jerry Lee" at the piano, in a ruffled tuxedo shirt with sleeves rolled up, covered in sweat that clearly had been worked up by some heavy-duty Shake, Rattle, & Rolling, but slowing the show down for a moment in that way of his that somehow makes the slow songs just as dramatic as the fast ones. He transitions by saying he wants to do a gospel song, and nodding at the applause from the audience, then places his fingers back on those ivory keys and gracefully strolls on into the beginning strains of what's been my favorite old hymn since childhood. In doing so, he sparked in me a resurgence of sorts, a gentle and welcome reminder of who and what I am and Who and What enables me to be just that. And it was just the refreshment I needed as the end of a roller coaster year draws to a close.
As Mr. Lewis softly serenaded that room and mine, tears formed in my already tired eyes even as I rolled them at the thought of the multitudes of women (myself now included) he's brought to tears in his lifetime--and the multiple reasons for it. But his rumored (and self-confirmed) adventures aside, Jerry Lee Lewis' gift for making us "feel" the music is indisputable. Which is why I feel the need to share a bit of it with you now. So here he is, courtesy of YouTube, singing a song that makes me pause in reverence every time I hear it. And it also makes me yearn to get back out in the garden--after all, I never know when a Visitor might stop by...
As Mr. Lewis softly serenaded that room and mine, tears formed in my already tired eyes even as I rolled them at the thought of the multitudes of women (myself now included) he's brought to tears in his lifetime--and the multiple reasons for it. But his rumored (and self-confirmed) adventures aside, Jerry Lee Lewis' gift for making us "feel" the music is indisputable. Which is why I feel the need to share a bit of it with you now. So here he is, courtesy of YouTube, singing a song that makes me pause in reverence every time I hear it. And it also makes me yearn to get back out in the garden--after all, I never know when a Visitor might stop by...
And just for fun, here's the clip that lured my nine-year-old son away from the mountain of gifts under the tree and compelled him to huddle with me around the iPad as his eyes, previously glued to a new Nintendo game system, grew big as saucers. I couldn't help but smile when I heard him mutter an amazed "Whaaa?!!! Oh WOW!!" as he watched "The Killer", back in 1957, belting out this legendary song...
And just for fun, here's the clip that lured my nine-year-old son away from the mountain of gifts under the tree and compelled him to huddle with me around the iPad as his eyes, previously glued to a new Nintendo game system, grew big as saucers. I couldn't help but smile when I heard him mutter an amazed "Whaaa?!!! Oh WOW!!" as he watched "The Killer", back in 1957, belting out this legendary song...
Incredible! Almost 60 years ago, and still so mesmerizing I can't quit watching it...and I also can't seem to quit shakin' my way around the house this morning. Oh well, it makes cleaning up the Christmas mess all the more exciting. God bless Jerry Lee Lewis!