This loom originally belonged to my grandmother's aunts, who had it made in the late 1800's to replace the one they wore out. They were three spinster sisters who lived with their mother, my great-great grandmother, in a small house just across the holler and back up in the woods from where I now live. The three ladies cared for their mother, and lived off of their father's Civil War pension and the money earned from the woven goods made on this loom. I knew this loom as my Grandmother's loom. It was handed down to her from her aunts, and she wove on this loom for close to sixty years before passing it on to me. It now resides in it's new home, my weaving studio located upstairs in the old general store my husband is restoring for me in our small town. Soon it will be in use again, and to me, it truly is an HeirLoom like no other!