You'd think that under these conditions everything out in the garden would be frozen, but nope. The only frozen thing in the garden was my right hand, but that was only because I had to take my glove off to snap the photos. And I'd have posted this immediately, but I had to wait 'til my hand unthawed before I could type.
Sorry for the delay. But since my extremities are all back in working order now, I see no reason why I should keep this from you any longer...
I pestered it too much...what else is new.
But it worked out great because now I get to keep picking leaves whenever I want instead of trying to use up a whole head of cabbage all at once.
You'd think I planned it that way...

If it worked for them, it works for me--you can't be too careful these days, even if I am my own cook!
And then I did something nice: I decided to pardon the turkey...for now.
After a few freezes, the outer leaves that were left on this plant have curled back a little, but the inner ones are still bright and crisp. It kind of makes me wonder if it isn't still growing despite the freezing weather. I hope it is and so do the chickens.
Not that they've actually said that. I'm just assuming.
I let a lot "winter greens" self-sow this past year, so hopefully I won't have to do a thing in the spring but pop out to the garden and pick what I want! Just like I do now, except the weather should be much more pleasant then.
My right hand will be happy to hear that.