Anyone else remember Hee Haw?
Anybody? Well, I know you're out there. And I know you recognize those catchy lyrics.
This jingle was one of my favorites from the show, and it comes to mind this morning because of a rumor I've been hearing recently. A rumor that I'm about to repeat, so listen closely:
That's right. Some say it's coming this week, some say it'll be here before month's end, and some say it'll never happen at all.
Oh wait--that last someone was just me. I like to be deliberately in denial on helps me stay sane.
Or at least I like to think it does. If anybody has proof otherwise, just kindly keep your mouth shut. I'd rather not have my delusion ruined.
I'd also rather not have my garden ruined, but alas, all good things must come to an end.
So. Instead of sitting here crying over something I have no control over (which I'm much too mature to ever do, of course), I've decided to celebrate the end of my garden by capturing it in it's final days of glory...
Which they don't, but all my efforts to warn them have failed, probably since I don't speak their language.
The smell is phenomenal, by the way. And very invigorating.
I have to agree with them. Warm days followed by cool nights are my favorite weather pattern too.
Whew! Okra really is a remarkable plant. And tasty, too.
They're almost too stunning to pick, but I'm gonna pick 'em anyway. Just like I picked the last of the red cabbage, the Brussels sprouts, and the few remaining cantaloupe. After all, isn't that why I have a garden?
I love admiring the beauty of it all, but tasting the beauty is even better! I've tasted everything pictured in this post--even the flowers! And just so you know, it all tastes as pretty as it looks.
After this frost hits, though, those flowers--and most everything else--will be gone. Another growing season will have gone down in the books, and cold weather will be well on its way.
I realize it's all part of the circle of life, and no matter how sad it is, I'll accept that like the grown-up that I am.
So if you need me over the winter, I'll be sitting in front of the TV, watching Hee Haw reruns and singing along with the "Gloom, despair, and agony on me..." gang. Moans and groans and all.
Because even though I'm an adult, every now and then I like to pout about things I have no control over.
Don't worry about me, though. I'll be ok as soon as the ground thaws out!