It even earned a thumbs up from my son Will, which in combination with my own pat-myself-on the-back reaction, has led me to believe that you might enjoy it too.
And just to be clear, the kale that I used didn't really come out of my ears. It came out of the ground. That's the only kind I like to cook with. The kind that comes out of my ears isn't really good for anything but making my family look at me funny.
I'm kidding. Otherwise I might need to see a doctor...or maybe I should see one anyway.
Well, while I debate about the condition of my mental state and what actions might be necessary, you just keep on reading and don't worry your pretty little head about me. Mine will be just fine.
Since kale is so packed with nutrients, then probably all I need to do get my mind functioning properly is eat more of it. I got a pretty good dose last night, so without further ado let me present you with my recipe...
Here's what I used:
1/2 box fettuccini noodles
3 sweet Italian sausage links
8 oz pasta sauce, any kind
I clove garlic
1/2 onion
1 cup chopped kale
1/2 teaspoon chopped fresh cilantro
1 tablespoon bacon grease
1/2 teaspoon sugar
And here's how easy it was to put all this together:
- Cook the fettuccini according to package directions and then drain.
- Chop the sausage, onion, and garlic and fry them together in bacon grease until browned.
- Add the sausage mixture to the fettuccini pan and pour in the pasta sauce.
- Sprinkle in the sugar, kale, and cilantro.
Walla! That's it. All that's left to do is serve it up and eat it. You couldn't make this any easier if you tried.
But you could put a few twists on it if you wanted to, and I wouldn't be mad at all. Like, you could leave out the cilantro and use basil or another herb instead. You could also use any kind of pasta you so desired, like spaghetti or linguine, or even some of those cute little spiral pasta noodles that I can't remember the name of right now. Just keep in mind that if you change the type of pasta, you have to change the name of the recipe. After all, you can't call it Fettuccini with Kale and Sweet Sausage if you made it with spaghetti.
Sorry...rules are rules.
But calling the dish Spaghetti with Kale and Sweet Sausage would be perfectly legal. As would calling it Cute Little Spiral Pasta Noodles with Kale and Sweet Sausage.
That one has such a nice ring to it, doesn't it? I never thought I was good at names until just now. I must be getting better with age...
Oh, and before I get too lost in admiring my new-found naming ability, I should tell you that when you fry the sausage, you could use any kind of oil you wanted and no name change would be required.
Your welcome.
I'm so glad I'm in your life and can steer you through all this legal mumble-jumble. I don't know what you'd do without me...
(No response necessary. Especially if it involves eye-rolling.)
And now I'm off to the garden to visit my kale patch, so until next time, Chow! And Kiss Kiss!