Today was was no exception, even though it was an exceptionally cold day--12 degrees was the high temp! And for some reason when it gets that cold, I have an uncontrollable urge to get outside and experience it.
Yep. I'm an odd duck.
An odd duck who love chickens. Which is why, in the freezing cold 12 degree weather, I was outside having an impromptu photo shoot with the queen of the coop, Sheba.
Well what else is there to do when it's that cold?
Oh...that's a good point you have there. Cuddling up on the couch in comfy pajamas snuggled under a cozy blanket and binge-watching the new season of The Crown certainly is another option.
And certainly a more normal option too. But the normal path isn't always the most common one we take around here.
Take Will, for example. Today he played the part of photographer while wearing a t-shirt, karate pants, and house slippers. And while shivering and shaking so much it's unbelievable that the camera was able to focus.
For what it's worth, I did tell him to put on a coat, but for some reason he didn't take me seriously. Couldn't have been because at the time I happened to be dancing around the front yard holding a fresh egg in one hand and cradling a panic-struck chicken in the other while not-so-subtly practicing a few poses from my old modeling days. (Notice I said "days" and not "years"--It was a short-lived experience, mainly because I was too short for the experience!)
Anyhoo...You think he'd be used to this kind of stuff by now. Or maybe that's the problem.
Either way, he snapped a few photos as Sheba and I struck a few poses...
And then since it was freezing outside and our photographer could no longer feel his fingers, we called it quits and went our separate ways. Sheba scurried back into the coop and jumped into the cozy straw-filled nest box, and Will and I skedaddled back into the house and made ourselves a cup of Queen Elizabeth's favored East India Company Orange Pekoe tea, courtesy of my sister's recent trip to London.
And then I put on my comfy pajamas, curled up on the couch, snuggled under a cozy blanket, and started binge-watching the new season of The Crown.
See...I do occasionally do normal things.
Especially when it involves anything royal!